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There have been 3 items by jamo2oo9 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#275948 American Airlines S4B

Posted by jamo2oo9 on 16 March 2019 - 11:29 AM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

Can boast your DOP up to 500m. Currently ranked no. 7 in S3-B and no. 2 in R4. 





#275745 A320 Deliveries delayed

Posted by jamo2oo9 on 28 February 2019 - 09:19 AM in General AE Discussion

I'm in S3-B and R4 worlds with orders for A320. In R4, currently have 35 A320-200 with 30 more ordered and when the A321-100 became available for order, I ordered 50 A321. All of my A320 are now delayed until 1994. Why? Is this a current bug in the game? Same thing in S3-B world. I have 90 A320-200 at the moment with no further orders. If I make another order right now, the first one won't be delivered until July 1996. I do have A321 on order as well but they won't be delivered until 1994. 


Was the production line stalled for two years?


Should be noted that I haven't delayed my orders or set a different order timeline when I purchased the aircraft types. 

#275752 A320 Deliveries delayed

Posted by jamo2oo9 on 28 February 2019 - 02:24 PM in General AE Discussion

Your next delivery date starts after the last delivery of the aircraft family you are ordering, even if this leaves you with a large gap in order deliveries.

Yeah, I know. But I've like 2/4 year gap between them so no more deliveries for the A320-200 until 1994/1996 and A321 starts after that.