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#45470 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 03:11 AM in Announcements

About getting connecting revenue: see http://forums.airlin...5&postcount=141

The weird part is: on some routes I can increase the ticket price by $1 and my LF drops from 100% to some 30% (more or less, but way below 100%). Such routes are making profit on connecting passengers only (i.e. 100% connecting).

I don't know if some odd 80k passenger capacity on a hub is large or not, but if I may guess I think this will affect the ability to generate profit on connecting passengers.

#45476 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 12:31 PM in Announcements

Not a bug, but a suggestion: I think it would be nice to see both load factors (O&D, connecting) on the "current routes" page.

#45444 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 19 January 2007 - 09:43 PM in Announcements

@felix, you can't find it, because I didn't copy it :P

Go ahead: wreck the following route: DUS-CDG

#45434 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 19 January 2007 - 06:12 PM in Announcements

Difficult to get profit on a short route... I understand demand for such a route is low but this is a bit extreme:

Aircraft: Raytheon Beech 1900D
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 180.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 126.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 122.85 | Frequencies: 4
Adjusted Price for Prop: 141.28
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %49.4
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 211.13
Adjusted Price for Age: 221.69
O & D Load Factor: 19%
Hub Passengers: 87,094
Spoke Passengers: 213
Connecting Passengers: 1,896
Connecting Stretch: 256
Connecting Equi: 1,907
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 81.3%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 81.3%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 5,673
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 818
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 2%
O&D Revenues: 640
Connecting Revenues: 56
Total Revenues: 2,783
Load Factor - %100.00

Projected Revenue - $2,783

Projected Profit - $149

#45269 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 16 January 2007 - 09:53 PM in Announcements

This seems to be some rounding problem or so. I created a new route, and was allowed to fly 14 roundtrips. Nothing special, just add new route.

Q400 speed 359 turnaround time 30 minutes.
A distance of 102.5 mi, meaning 205 mi round trip, makes 34 minutes 16 seconds per round trip. Add one hour (turnaround 0:30 twice) for a total of 1:34:16 (rounded up)
Times 14 makes just under 22 hours (21:59:39.9943).

Other computation:
14 round trips means 14 hours turnaround time. Subtract from 22 hours, 8 hours remaining.
8 hours at speed 359 means 2872 miles to fly.
14 times 2 times 102.5 is 2870 miles, which is less than 2872.

However, in the "aircraft" overview (http://sim2.airlinee...et/aircraft.php) it is showing -1 hours left for this plane. I don't consider this cheating. The game allowed me to create that route, and the math works out. I guess there is some rounding up happening, which is a bug, in a display routine; for instance computing 14 times 1:35 which would be 22:10

#45481 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 01:32 PM in Announcements

I am currently changing all my MAD routes so that they have 80% O&D passengers. On some routes this is hard to achieve, because I have more than one plane on such a route. Equal planes, equal age, equal ticket price, different results...

MAD customers:948.38
MRS customers:222.96
Game capacity adjustment: %230

Total Daily Customers: 599
Total Capacity: 740
Customers Adjusted for Distance: 599
Initial Equilibrium Price: 643.64
Average Ticket Price: 680.00
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Large Market: 423
Equilibrium Price After Average Ticket Price Deviation: 667.76
Final Equilibrium Price: 667.76
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Capacity: 376

Aircraft: Bombardier Q400
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 680.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 476.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 385.56 | Frequencies: 10
Adjusted Price for Prop: 443.39
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %30.9
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 580.28
Adjusted Price for Age: 580.28
O & D Load Factor: 86%
Hub Passengers: 31,448
Spoke Passengers: 223
Connecting Passengers: 715
Connecting Stretch: 268
Connecting Equi: 760
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 14.3%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 14.3%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 807
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 31%
O&D Revenues: 43,107
Connecting Revenues: 2,204
Total Revenues: 226,557

Aircraft: Bombardier Q400
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 680.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 476.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 385.56 | Frequencies: 10
Adjusted Price for Prop: 443.39
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %30.9
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 580.28
Adjusted Price for Age: 580.28
O & D Load Factor: 84%
Hub Passengers: 31,448
Spoke Passengers: 223
Connecting Passengers: 715
Connecting Stretch: 268
Connecting Equi: 760
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 16.2%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 16.2%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 807
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 31%
O&D Revenues: 42,167
Connecting Revenues: 2,492
Total Revenues: 223,295

According to memory, AE passengers don't care how they get "there". They want a seat, and they are willing to pay a price, but it doesn't matter if they travel 10 hours or just 3.
So, why not add up all seats an airline has on a certain route, and determine a price for the whole batch in one go? One price, one profit, for the total. Then divide the revenues pro rata, subtract cost per plane, and end up with profits per plane.

#45482 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 01:55 PM in Announcements

I tried this multiple times, with different ticket prices.
The O&D LF reported on this route for this plane is nowhere near
accurate. Notice: 72% changes into 83%

Before "Update route":

FCO customers:1004.61
MAD customers:948.38
Game capacity adjustment: %230

Total Daily Customers: 2,574
Total Capacity: 17401
Customers Adjusted for Distance: 2,574
Initial Equilibrium Price: 2,630.86
Average Ticket Price: 1,989.59
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Large Market: 1,806
Equilibrium Price After Average Ticket Price Deviation: 2,469.33
Final Equilibrium Price: 2,469.33
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Capacity: -3,136

Aircraft: Airbus A380
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,940.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 2,037.00 | Frequencies: 2
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %19.6
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 2,436.71
Adjusted Price for Age: 2,436.71
O & D Load Factor: 72%
Hub Passengers: 33,676
Spoke Passengers: 948
Connecting Passengers: 3,259
Connecting Stretch: 1,138
Connecting Equi: 3,316
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 27.6%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 27.6%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 816
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 50%
O&D Revenues: 709,070
Connecting Revenues: 135,519
Total Revenues: 1,689,178
Load Factor - %100.00

Projected Revenue - $1,689,178

Projected Profit - $1,529,153

After "update route":

Aircraft: Airbus A380
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,940.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 2,037.00 | Frequencies: 2
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %19.6
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 2,436.71
Adjusted Price for Age: 2,436.71
O & D Load Factor: 83%
Hub Passengers: 35,696
Spoke Passengers: 948
Connecting Passengers: 3,454
Connecting Stretch: 1,138
Connecting Equi: 3,512
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 16.6%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 16.6%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 816
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 50%
O&D Revenues: 816,712
Connecting Revenues: 81,613
Total Revenues: 1,796,651

#45567 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 22 January 2007 - 08:52 PM in Announcements

Imagine how that works if I did that to every domestic destination I had, and the resulting connecting traffic.

you mean like flying to every european city, most flights with A333 ?

#45511 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 10:11 PM in Announcements

If you kept going up with the price you would have made more because your connecting load would have gone up. The way to make more is to get rid of the O&D Pax and get more connecting pax............... Weird

depends on the route.

#45489 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 03:36 PM in Announcements

Difference between "Research route possibilities" and really opening a route confirmed. For instance a Q400 on DUS-VKO:

While researching:

DUS customers:624.12
VKO customers:187.36
Game capacity adjustment: %231

Total Daily Customers: 351
Total Capacity: 0
Customers adjusted for below market demand: 828.67
Customers Adjusted for Distance: 804
Initial Equilibrium Price: 875.32
Equilibrium Price Adjusted for Long Distance: 1,018
Average Ticket Price: 0.00
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Large Market: 455
Equilibrium Price After Average Ticket Price Deviation: 1,018.32
Final Equilibrium Price: 1,018.32
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Capacity: 723

Aircraft: Bombardier Q400
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,070.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 749.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 786.45 | Frequencies: 2
Adjusted Price for Prop: 904.42
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %9.2
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 987.68
Adjusted Price for Age: 987.68
O & D Load Factor: 80%
Hub Passengers: 101,266
Spoke Passengers: 187
Connecting Passengers: 1,936
Connecting Stretch: 225
Connecting Equi: 2,008
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 19.7%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 19.7%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 5,673
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 816
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 55%
O&D Revenues: 63,557
Connecting Revenues: 8,555
Total Revenues: 144,224

when actually opened this route (needed to update price because the information after creating disappears due to reload):

DUS customers:624.12
VKO customers:187.36
Game capacity adjustment: %231

Total Daily Customers: 351
Total Capacity: 148
Customers adjusted for below market demand: 627.56
Customers Adjusted for Distance: 609
Initial Equilibrium Price: 680.23
Equilibrium Price Adjusted for Long Distance: 823
Average Ticket Price: 1,070.00
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Large Market: 390
Equilibrium Price After Average Ticket Price Deviation: 876.42
Final Equilibrium Price: 876.42
Stretch Variable Adjusted for Capacity: 544

Aircraft: Bombardier Q400
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,070.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 749.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 786.45 | Frequencies: 2
Adjusted Price for Prop: 904.42
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %12.2
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 1,014.36
Adjusted Price for Age: 1,014.36
O & D Load Factor: 21%
Hub Passengers: 101,562
Spoke Passengers: 187
Connecting Passengers: 1,942
Connecting Stretch: 225
Connecting Equi: 2,013
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 79.3%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 79.3%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 5,673
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 823
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 55%
O&D Revenues: 16,370
Connecting Revenues: 34,350
Total Revenues: 101,442

To actually get 80% LF, I need a lower price:

Aircraft: Bombardier Q400
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 810.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 567.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 595.35 | Frequencies: 2
Adjusted Price for Prop: 684.65
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %12.2
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 767.88
Adjusted Price for Age: 767.88
O & D Load Factor: 80%
Hub Passengers: 101,562
Spoke Passengers: 187
Connecting Passengers: 1,942
Connecting Stretch: 225
Connecting Equi: 2,013
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 19.5%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 19.5%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 5,673
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 823
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 55%
O&D Revenues: 48,236
Connecting Revenues: 6,401
Total Revenues: 109,274

#45483 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 20 January 2007 - 01:57 PM in Announcements

Another problem. One boeing flies 4 times, the other 8.
All other properties are exactly the same.

If this would be real life, I couldn't care less which of the
two (equal!) planes I got on. All I know is the airline flies one route
12 times a day.

I tried resetting the price (from 1400 to 1400) and the problem
got worse, I now have 20% and 90% direct LF

Aircraft: Boeing 737-900
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,400.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 1,134.00 | Frequencies: 12
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %45.5
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 1,649.47
Adjusted Price for Age: 1,649.47
O & D Load Factor: 20%
Hub Passengers: 31,152
Spoke Passengers: 605
Connecting Passengers: 1,924
Connecting Stretch: 726
Connecting Equi: 1,959
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 79.9%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 79.9%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 817
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 18%
O&D Revenues: 49,821
Connecting Revenues: 36,314
Total Revenues: 689,085

Aircraft: Boeing 737-900
Initial Ticket Price for highspeed: 1,400.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 1,134.00 | Frequencies: 12
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %22.7
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 1,391.74
Adjusted Price for Age: 1,391.74
O & D Load Factor: 90%
Hub Passengers: 31,152
Spoke Passengers: 605
Connecting Passengers: 1,924
Connecting Stretch: 726
Connecting Equi: 1,959
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 9.7%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 9.7%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 4,323
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 817
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 18%
O&D Revenues: 223,753
Connecting Revenues: 4,411
Total Revenues: 912,655

#45268 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 16 January 2007 - 09:13 PM in Announcements

I have noticed the same thing as mentioned above where you can increase the ticket price as more people join the route....

Same happens for routes where no others join. Perhaps this one? "Game capacity adjustment: %153". This percentage grows.

#45252 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by highspeed on 16 January 2007 - 01:44 PM in Announcements

I like the new features but unfortunately I also ran into a bug.
Never mind, probably another issue (browser/memory slow).

The error message is still something to look at:

Warning: fopen(sale_log.csv): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/airlinee/public_html/sim2/buy_used_ac.php on line 298
Error writing to log.

#31951 Game Reset 17 April 2006 @ 18:00 BST

Posted by highspeed on 17 April 2006 - 07:35 PM in Announcements

Is there also a new route script? If so, I think I've encountered the first bug :-o

#31960 Game Reset 17 April 2006 @ 18:00 BST

Posted by highspeed on 17 April 2006 - 08:24 PM in Announcements

I know of one bug with the Route script, however its not a major one and so i'm concentrating on other parts at the moment.

I would appreciate it if you could have a look and free my 2 gates.


#36949 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 12 August 2006 - 12:52 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Urgent request to AE staff and/or Anti-Cheat police:

Last round I stopped playing very soon. Did the feeder problem stop as well? Did aircraft sales on the public market stop? No? Then where did the aircraft go, who bought them in stead of me?

I think you may have found your real cheater when you know the answer. The current round I was in this player's way because I happened to buy the aircraft that should have gone to her/him.

#36916 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 11 August 2006 - 01:03 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Well drv4truk,



#36953 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 12 August 2006 - 01:46 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

No travelhouse, I do not know the cheater. Nor do I know who it is. The only thing I know is that it is not me.

What is happening here is that I "steal" aircraft of the public market that should have gone to the one being fed in stead. This pisses some other player off. Find that person, in stead of punishing the players that play the game within the limits of the game rules.

edit: Same answer to you, let'sfly!. Your post wasn't yet visible when I started to type my answer.

#36932 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 11 August 2006 - 10:46 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

There are several players reporting false accusations. While I do appreciate that some of them are lying, I think there are too many honest players victim of this problem.

Problems with the current setup:

1) The rules are vague. Yes, you are allowed to buy on the public market but apparently not if you happen to be good at it.

You may continue to make transactions just like any other airline.

Well, not true as it turns out.

2) Penalties are given based on speculation.

You can not operate more than one airline. Using feeder airlines to your advantage is not allwowed [SIC] in AE.

Apparently buying seven aircraft on the public market should indicate I operate more than one airline. Guess what, I am not. I am just monitoring the public market a lot. And I have been open about this all the time. I can't believe the anti-cheat police really thinks I am good in covering my tracks and operating feeders. But that's what they claiming anyway.

3) Penalties are quite severe. Right now I am back at the value I started with. And I can still not operate my airline (or I have to sell my planes and thus loose my gates).

4) Penalties are inconsistent. At least that's what I hear from Travelhouse.

5) In real life we have "innocent until proven guilty", and "reasonable doubt". In real life...

6) Appeal is not possible. Sure, if you happen to be friends with TW or miller you may get an answer, but else...

I will monitor the airline for a while, I will even reset my ticket price whenever I spot a route with negative profit. Let's hope some people will get to their senses and correct this mistake.

If this game ever wants to be out of beta, this is perhaps the biggest bug to fix: Human error and unequal/unfair treatment.

I thank anyone supporting me (private or public).
For those making fun of this: shame on you; AE is not a popularity contest and your way of playing the game is not necessarily my way.
To the staff: I am really disappointed that you do not dare to communicate about this. So much for the witch hunt. http://forums.airlin...29&postcount=23

#36970 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 12 August 2006 - 07:12 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Great, Anti-Cheat Staff him/herself.

Do you wish to comment on my statement that you jumped to a conclusion?

Do you wish to answer my questions, asked in the past, regarding what is to be considered fair play when buying aircraft off the public market?

Can you defend your actions, telling people it is not illegal to buy aircraft only then to punish players for doing so?

Why require players to "respond to this message as soon as possible by clicking ..." without willing to discuss what happens?

Best of all, can you explain how you get from "bought a lot of cheap aircraft", via "cannot be a coincidence", must be cheating, don't now how, let's say highspeed "owns multiple airlines"?

#37036 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 13 August 2006 - 04:09 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I don't second this, its much more fun to watch how angry people get over ae, the forum's dull enough, we need threads like this :P



If you think this is funny, picture yourself playing a payed round of the game. Then have a closer look at the thread topic.

This is a serious problem which has to be addressed.

#37028 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 13 August 2006 - 02:07 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Ack, thanks.

If any of the anti-cheat staff, or the AE staff, is watching this; feel free to start without waiting for maestro to forward the questions.

#37025 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 13 August 2006 - 01:26 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Thank you travelhouse, I will ask Maestro as I seem to have trouble getting through to TW.

#37023 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 13 August 2006 - 01:08 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Sure, I would like to use the PM system.

Who will I PM for this subject?

#36961 It could happen to you next!

Posted by highspeed on 12 August 2006 - 06:21 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Interesting referee analogy, travelhouse. So, a player is down, a player from the other side scores a goal, and the referee did not see what happened. Do you think it is fair when the referee draws a red card and present it to the player scoring the goal?

I'm all for investigating feeder airlines. However, punishing buyers without any proof, based on speculation alone, is wrong. Not only did the wrong airline get harmed, what's equally bad is that the real cheater is not punished.

The anti-cheat police jumped to a conclusion. Sure, they are people so they are allowed to make mistakes. I ask to acknowledge this mistake and undo the damage.