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There have been 3 items by Willip (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#52790 Sim2 Distance Calculator Excel sheet

Posted by Willip on 23 December 2007 - 12:06 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Hi everyone,

I've made a spreadsheet that allows for distance calculations on sim2, using Excel

Posted Image

Basically you can pick an airport at the top, and then you can pick an aircraft, and the spreadsheet calculates all the cities in range of that airport for that aircraft. You can also specify a minimum distance the nearest airport can be away as well.

I'm sure that there are a few problems with it, but I'm fairly sure it works in the main. Let me know what you think!


At some point I'll add some data for the non 1946 aircraft as well. Thanks to FlyWorld Air for his airport database, as I have used it for the basis for the data in this spreadsheet!

#52804 Sim2 Distance Calculator Excel sheet

Posted by Willip on 23 December 2007 - 03:38 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

thanks, the formula for working out the distances took a while to figure out!

I've now updated the spreadsheet to include all aircraft in sim2. I've left the 1946 aircraft in for reference at the bottom of the drop down list.


new version contains round trip calculator that lets you see if a certain aircraft can fly a certain route round trip and how many times. Still experimenting with it though so it may not be 100% accurate.

#58307 [Resolved] Terminal purchase error moneys gone but so are the terminals

Posted by Willip on 09 November 2008 - 10:28 AM in Bugs

Yeah I had the same problem when I tried to buy a terminal, took the money, but didn't build the gates. Just brought up an sql error

SQL/DB Error -- [Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause]