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There have been 20 items by sheldon (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#61460 Add airport in Sim2

Posted by sheldon on 04 June 2009 - 07:39 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Hello, new airport has been opened in Japan today
If you have a time, please consider to add it.

- IATA-Code: FSZ
- Name (City + required additional name if more than one airport within this city): Shizuoka
- Passengers per year: 1,380,000 (just as an estimate)
- Number of Gates: unknown. however there are 16 daily flights+some charter flights, and additional flights coming later on.
- Coordinates: Latitude and Longitude: 34°47′46″N, 138°11′22″E
- Runway length in feet: 7217.85 (will be extended to 8202.1 later)
- Country: Japan
- State: Shizuoka

Thank you

#62011 [Resolved] Problem with Autopricing

Posted by sheldon on 16 June 2009 - 10:11 AM in Bugs

same problem is happening right here too.
Also, those negative routes show the average LF as 0%, 3%, 4%....like that. The number is very close to 0%.
I think this kind of thing is related to autopricing matters. (just my guess)

And, I really like the game after pausing. Much faster than before.
If this problem is solved, AE will be much better than before pausing. Nice job! and Thank you

#62028 [Resolved Unable to login to Sim2 ***GAME RESET NEEDED***

Posted by sheldon on 16 June 2009 - 05:46 PM in Bugs

me too. couldn't log in.
After the message "Login Successful!" shows up, moved to the message "No suitable..."
I could have logged in once, and tried to buy aircrafts, but while in the process, the server has gone.
I'm wondering how my money was going on. hope my money still stays in my cash or aircrafts are successfully purchased.

#62271 [New] Gate Returned???

Posted by sheldon on 19 June 2009 - 05:15 PM in Bugs

Hi, my initial gate (LHR) has been automatically returned on the first day of the second month. I thought my unused gates should not have been returned until the end of the second months. (I mean at the first day of the third months, unused gate will be returned)
So I see somebody else still have 5 gates, so I'm guessing those are their initial gates. my gates are already on the negotiate session, so maybe somebody else might be able to take them.
However, if it is a bug, I would like to get it back to me again, and if it's not a bug, I just want to make sure about that.

Thank you very much

Enshu Airlines


#62468 [Resolved] Database problems when creating routes / loging in.

Posted by sheldon on 22 June 2009 - 10:54 PM in Bugs

Sorry, I asked a question:

The top page showed "No such Player!", so I asked if my account is remaining or not.

But right after I posted, I could log in. So please disregard it.

I am so sorry.

#62546 Question on hub

Posted by sheldon on 23 June 2009 - 11:07 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I'm making some routes from my hub airport to very cheap airport.
But I don't get the connecting factors.
I thought I can always get the connecting factors for the routes from/to the hub airport.
Are there some cases I cannot get the connecting passengers?
I would like to appreciate your answer, thank you

#62562 Question on hub

Posted by sheldon on 24 June 2009 - 08:14 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

The total load factor (=direct passengers because I got no connecting passengers) on those routes is less than 100% like 90%, 80%,sometimes 50...

But I see. I'll focus on the frequency to grow those routes.

Thank you for your help, two of you!

#63030 Question on Oneway restriction

Posted by sheldon on 01 July 2009 - 10:14 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Hello, since the thread on the bug is already closed, and this is not the exactly a "bug" matter but a question, I'll post it here. If this is the wrong place, please let me know.

The rule says "Only one one-way flight between two airports (in any direction) is allowed per aircraft.", so does it mean I can put two or more aircrafts on the same one-way flight? (can I put, say, both A330-200 and A319-100 on the same one-way route?) As long as the one-way routes is not operated by the same aircraft, it is OK, right?

I'm confused about this. Since I was really not sure on this rule, I closed some one-way flights operated by different aircraft just in case to avoid me from being kicked out of AE.

The other question is if I have one-way flight, can I put the same aircraft on the same route as a round-way flight?

Since I'm really confused, I would like to make this matter clear. If someone help me out by answering these, I really appreciate it.

#63037 Question on Oneway restriction

Posted by sheldon on 01 July 2009 - 10:56 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

No that is not okay.

You can only have one one way per route irrespective of aircraft type.

If you want a return journey make it a return. You cannot have two one way flights!

Thank you for the quick reply!!

So more than one flights between LHR-HND is not allowed any more!

Anyway, I could make 2 one-way flights on the same route with different aircraft through the route suggestion page before. (I've already closed the rule-breaking flights though)

Thank you for your help Glennos!

I hope I am not breaking the rule lol

#63040 Question on Oneway restriction

Posted by sheldon on 01 July 2009 - 11:12 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I understand your issue with the long haul flights because the a/c are not able to make those trips round trip because of lack of hours. I guess you will just have to get a plane with more seats. Can you say A380 :eureka:

Absolutely! So that's the only way to survive, I guess.

#63116 Question on Oneway restriction

Posted by sheldon on 02 July 2009 - 05:15 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

wow, it' getting so complicated...
But maybe this is exactly why I got confused
I'm waiting for a 'clear' decision regarding this rule.

#63117 Suggestion for variable fuel costs

Posted by sheldon on 02 July 2009 - 05:16 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

yeah. This idea should make AE more interesting.

#63262 [New]Gate Removal & Skipping a Day

Posted by sheldon on 04 July 2009 - 07:44 PM in Bugs

At the beginning of this game month, there were some strange things happened.

1) we had April 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 for ten minutes.

2) we skipped May 1.

As for 1), I was making a new route with my new aircraft on April 30 (the new aircrafts were delivered between April 25 and April 30), but I noticed the gates I leased prior to the month change were gone away. I received Gate Warning on April 25, so those gates were supposed be removed at the beginning of June if I do nothing on those gates.
Then, on May 1 (actually it was exsisting only for a few minutes), I got Gate Removal notification, and those unused gates had been removed from my account.

*I would like to upload the photoshot of the notification page, since warning mail has been sent at 2009-07-04 14:01:33 and removal notification has been sent at 2009-07-04 14:10:30, maybe the shot should be an evidence of my claim. However, I don't know where to upload it.

As for 2), the game skipped May 1. As I mentioned at the above, actually we had May 1 for a few minutes though...
The thing is I (we?) did not receive any benefits for May 1, I mean I(we?) did not get any profit for May 1.

Enshu Airlines(22785)


#63266 [Resolved] Month change happend twice

Posted by sheldon on 04 July 2009 - 08:00 PM in Bugs

I didn't realize Glennos, you posted similar matter at the same time as I posted. lol

In my case:
At the beginning of this game month, there were some strange things happened:
1) we had April 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 for ten minutes.
2) we skipped May 1.

As for 1), I was making a new route with my new aircraft on April 30 (the new aircrafts were delivered between April 25 and April 30), but I noticed the gates I leased prior to the month change were gone away. I received Gate Warning on April 25, so those gates were supposed be removed at the beginning of June if I do nothing on those gates.
Then, on May 1 (actually it was exsisting only for a few minutes), I got Gate Removal notification, and those unused gates had been removed from my account.

As for 2), the game skipped May 1. As I mentioned at the above, actually we had May 1 for a few minutes though...
The thing is we did not receive any benefits for May 1, I mean we did not get any profit for May 1.

Enshu Airlines(22785)


#63272 [Resolved] Month change happend twice

Posted by sheldon on 04 July 2009 - 08:23 PM in Bugs

Oh you are the owner of that Airline, thought it was Elchie's airline, now I know that will have to be NOT nice and plonk a few around you like you keep doing to me. :D:P

As for the gates read Tobias post, NIL he can do, so please dont keep Tobias up all night adding in ONE by ONE for all players (Including Me) who are in the same boat.

Oh, yeah, that's OK, it should be a very tough work.
it is OK for me if the gates are not returned very very soon.

And, take it easy, Tobias!

#63582 [Resolved] Cash suddenly down to zero

Posted by sheldon on 11 July 2009 - 11:41 AM in Bugs

same thing happened here.
I was buying new aircrafts at that time.
Yeah, suddenly dropped down to zero.
I don't remember how much I had, but absolutely I got my cash taken away.

Enshu Airlines(22785)


#63689 [Resolved]Where's the gates???

Posted by sheldon on 12 July 2009 - 09:38 PM in Bugs

My all gates (maybe everybody???) are gone away.
All the hubs are also taken away.
Although I lost all the gates, I still have flights remaining.

Airline name and ID: Enshu Airlines(22785)

#63751 [Resolved]Where's the gates???

Posted by sheldon on 13 July 2009 - 12:09 AM in Bugs

Thank you for the gates.
But the things gone away were not only gates but also routes and aircrafts...

#63767 [Resolved] Aircraft Gone

Posted by sheldon on 13 July 2009 - 05:01 AM in Bugs

I lost lots of my aircrafts too

many routes disappeared. (maybe I think that's why everybody claiming the dropping of DOP)
I got 5 times as low DOP as before-bug.
Valuation is also much lower than before, right?

Enshu Airlines(22785)


#64154 Bankruptcy

Posted by sheldon on 20 July 2009 - 06:01 AM in Game Discussion (SIM3 / AE Classic)

sorry, forget about this.
After more than five hours of considering, I realized that I forgot to return the gate...
I'm so sorry for making a trouble with this.
If can, please delete this thread.