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  • #002034

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weekly operating hours

Posted by qwerty4686 on 06 April 2014 - 08:57 PM

So, I am working on modernizing my fleet.  When I go to replace my old aircraft (B743, Il96-300, A300B4, A310-300), I see that they have a maximum weekly hours of 280.  This is messing the replacement up.  Does anybody know what is going on? I am in R1.

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Can you provide a screen shot of this issue?

moved issue from Aircraft Data

Can you provide a screen shot of this issue?


Yes, that would be helpful, as I don't see any of your aircraft having more than 140 hours free from my end.

So...I kind of forgot about this for a while (oops...) and I haven't seen the problem since.  So I think it was a one-time glitch.

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